No, I don't get a thing out of bragging about them and I do not know them other than this one transaction . . I just like to tell someone when I think I get a good deal . . and when someone does a nice job . . I simply downloaded my files to them and man, everything is so quick now . .
slam, bam, thank you, ma'm ! Right now, they even have a special where they'll print a few cards, I think 25 or something like that, for FREE ! It's a new day, baby.
Notice , just about all of the important magazines are listed on that business card except the G - - D - - - - New Yorker - - - There are a LOT of cartoonists better than myself that can say the same thing as myself . . No really big deal, just a fact. I just find it interesting . . interesting as hell . . . How in the living hell can a moron from Chicago say that Roy Delgado is not " smart " enough to sell the New Yorker ! H-M-M-N ? Arrogance ? Bluster ? Undiluted Bullshit ? What is it ? . . Or a little of everything ? Low I.Q ? He mis-spoke, perhaps like Sonia Sotomayor ? Maybe he meant something else . .
H-M-M-N ?
I respect what the last New Yorker Cartoon Editor, Lee Lorenz told me, remarking to the fact that I had not sold the New Yorker . . He simply told me that this fact puts you in the company of a LOT of good cartoonists ! What a class act., Lee Lorenz.
Even though he rejected a ton of material of mine, he would put little notes on some of the drawings with a real soft pencil . . little helpful notes commenting on the gag or the drawing . . it showed at least the man was LOOKING at your stuff and was trying to be helpful . . and IT WAS helpful . . encouraging . . !

Great cartoon, Roy. I've used Vistaprint for my cards since 2007 and they are good.
Hey, Mike, what a coincidence . . I had your card from the last time we met in New Hampshire and I liked yours too, very contemporary . . nice and simple is always best . . ever notice . . AFTER you type in your blog for the day and then PUBLISH IT . . you go back and read it and say Geez, man, it comes out a little gruff . . at least on mine . . but when I'm talking opinion stuff, I like to pretend I'm sharing a beer or something like that with my reader or visitor . . I just read mine and I sounded like REVEREND JERIMIAH WRIGHT ranting: " NOT GOD BLESS AMERICA . . GOD D--- AMERICA ! " Can you picture yourself living in Chicago and your young kids are enrolled in the neighborhood elementary school . . and then you find out BILL AYERS help shape the curriculum by being an important person on the school board in the direction and molding of your young kid's minds . . scary, even if you DID vote for Obama, it's a little scary . .
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