May 18,2009
Roy Delgado
PO Box 1135
Petersburg WV 26847
Dear Roy,
OK for a two-column finish on:
" Now, you don't go to jail - - the government bails you out ! "
Thanks for the submissions, Roy. Hef mentioned that he'd like to get a
finish on this as quickly as possible so please send it to my attention just
as soon as you can.
Hope you're well !
All the best,
Amanda Warren
Editorial Coordinator
The funny thing is, I had originally executed this cartoon in color on my computer, but I mailed a grey wash-tone version to The New Yorker because most of their inside drawings are done in grey washes - - BUT, BUT, I had it all ready in a color version saved in my computer so that when Playboy, who would get second-look on THIS particular cartoon would buy it, I would be able to whip it back to them quickly - - - I just had that hunch on this one . . and my hunch was right. So, sorry, New Yorker . . . you DID get a chance and you blew it - - - again !
Sometimes, I find it very hard to be humble . . .
Anyway, after this was rejected from the New Yorker, I immediately mailed it to Playboy in Los Angeles . . . I KNEW, was POSITIVE it was a timely, great idea AND cartoon . . Absolutely POSITIVE ! I was happy, but not really surprised when I received the letter shown here from Hef's assistant.

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