Photo L to R . . ( In Jim's studio ) Jim Whiting, ( President, Southern California Cartoonists' Society ), George Gladir, ( Creator of SABRINA, THE TEEN-AGE WITCH ), Suzanne Lemieux Wilson, ( wife of the late renowned cartoonist, Rowland Wilson ), Suzanne's own fantastic creative art was ALL OVER the the animated classic, ANASTASIA . Top row on right is Bob Weber Sr., who has Molly & Moose with King Features Syndicate and Slylock Fox & Comics for Kids also syndicated by King with over 415 Newspapers. Slylock Fox is a popular comic recently picked up by The Los Angeles Times. Bob Weber Jr. is the creator and both Bobs produce the feature.
Important trivia point: The drawing table with built-in light box you see behind Jim and George was originally the one that belonged to SAM COBEAN ! Sam was Jim's mentor and Mrs. Cobean generously passed it on to Jim after Sam's sudden and tragic death.
1 comment:
Mr. Delgado
I have been a massive fan of Mrs. Suzanne Lemieux Wilson for months now! I have the book the Art of Anastasia and every day I look at her work inside that book. Her paintings that were in the movie are my most favorite pieces of art. This may seem strange, but is there anyway I can send an email to Ms. Wilson asking her about her art. I got into the art academy program at my school for wood working, but my new found passion is painting!
Thank You So Much
Courtland M. Carson
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