Thursday, April 30, 2009
Great Posts at
Today an interesting bit for New Yorker cartoon followers. Ve-lly intress-ting !
It doesn't get any better than this !
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
New Yorker Magazine cartoon satire
It seems to me, although I've been known to be naive, that The New Yorker SHOULD come out with a book of cartoons with this title. Humility has its virtue, I think ( KNOW ) MOST people take themselves too seriously. If you ask ANY competent psychiatrist or get a CONSENSUS of psychiatrists opinions: they will overwhelmingly agree that it is not wise to take oneself too seriously - - - HOWEVER, you should take your WORK seriously.
Does Mankoff look at this blog ? Probably not, but he SHOULD look at this blog - - Look at me when I'm talkin' to you - - A lot of the stuff you see here could be substituted for some of the cartoons in many issues of the magazine and no one would know the difference, and many times IMPROVE the issue - - - but not only MY material, - - I could easily mention a half-dozen or so cartoonists whose work SHOULD be in The New Yorker - - - Like just a few - - Mike Lynch, Dan Reynolds, Marty Murphy, Scott Masear, Harley Schwadron, Eli Stein, Donna Barstow - - this short list rolled out of my lips without even trying - - and there are MORE .

Red Skelton's recipe for a perfect marriage - -
She goes on Tuesdays: I go on Fridays.
2. We also sleep in separate beds. Hers is in California, and mine in Texas.
Monday, April 27, 2009
New Harvard Business Review Cartoon
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
New National Law Journal Cartoon
Thursday, April 23, 2009
J.C. PENNEY, 1875-1971
American Retailing Magnate
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
HENRY FORD, 1863-1947 American Car Manufacturer
Monday, April 20, 2009
American Essayist, Poet and Philosopher
New "Cruising is Amusing" Cartoon Book
Biker Cartoon
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Wisdom ( Write this one down )
Co-founder of The Findhorn Foundation, Scotland
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Dr. Wayne Dyer wisdom
" Our lives are what our thoughts create. "
" All our doubts are obstacles inhibiting your entry into the kingdom of real magic. "
Friday, April 17, 2009
Recent Funny Times cartoon ( NYer Reject )
If you ask any of the cartoonists that DO sell there . . ask them why THEY think some of these cartoons weren't bought by The New Yorker ( Which I HAVE indeed asked some of the guys . . ) they come up with something like " Gee, I Dunno ! "
I hope none of these guys ever become the cartoon editor there because THEY DON'T KNOW . . . I really believe them . . . THEY DON'T KNOW . . THEY ACTUALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT CARTOONS TO PICK . . NOBODY KNOWS . . . and the ones that DO know aren't talking. Or are talking and NOBODY understands.
Reminds me of the ZEN parable: " Those who don't know are talking . . and those who know aren't speaking. "
Man, what a way to make a living ! I wouldn't trade it for Tim Geithner's job. ( I could never qualify for a position in the new cabinet . . I paid my taxes ! )

Thursday, April 16, 2009
Recent Wall Street Journal Cartoon Purchase
I learned one thing. You can pay a psychiatrist $400.00 an hour for 30 sessions, and eventually you will learn that it is UNWISE to humiliate a collegue in the public or in front of somebody, or in a public forum. ( This is stuff your parents are supposed to teach you before you leave home ). It usually comes back to bite you in the ass.
The business was started in October, 1975 in Fall Church, Virginia.
Amazingly, the first 10 employees I hired stayed with me for a term of 13 years to 26 years, the entire length of the enterprise!
It was a combination of luck, hard work, loyalty, good people and more luck.
The more complete story is in the book: " A Funny thing happened on the way to the New Yorker " Softback. 107 pages Ten Bucks, Interesting Forward/Bio, includes 100 cartoons from major magazines, available everywhere or from this blog.
In the previous blog, I tried to be magnanimous. I learned something a long time ago, ( Actually it was my first day in the Marines). It goes like this, I'm paraphrasing it; " There are times in life when a certain modicum of abrasiveness is necessary to elicit an appropriate response from someone. "
I got it.

Sunday, April 12, 2009
Pat Byrnes gets bent out of shape
I was amazed that a collegue ( I guess I could call him that ) would choose this type of sophomoric comment, which really either was made ( 1. ) before he thought it out well, ( 2. ) Did think it out and doesn't give a s--t what anybody thinks and stands by it or (3.) is proud of it.
In either case, you reap what sow, Pat.
It kind of reminds you of Chicago politics, doesn't it ?
At first, I thought it was kind of funny, in a sad sort of way. Now it is sad. And embarassing to the profession of cartooning.
A wise man once said the best way to get even is to LIVE BETTER. And that is what I've determined to do.
It is a truism that it is not unusual that many times negative mean-spirited criticism like this can motivate and catapault one's career in a positive way, exactly the opposite way the infantile mind who is spouting the negativity intended the victim to do.
This letter has helped my career and given me more enthusism to start my day every morning. NEVER tell somebody they CAN'T do something. There are endless stories of people that were told they couldn't do something and went on to do it. ENDLESS stories.
This letter is has been photographically blown up to a 3 ft. high poster mounted on foamcore and hangs next to my drawing board.
THANK YOU PAT ! Any more ?
Since this letter was published in the Gag ReCap , Not ONE letter agreed with him and at least three letters supported me in newer issues, plus TWO famous cartoonists called me on the phone to support me, saying the gentleman from Chicago was out of line and had gotten personal . . the other world-famous cartoonist said " WHO THE HELL DOES HE THINK HE IS ? "
Score: HOME ( Seniors ) 5 VISITORS ( Sophomores ) 0
I think it would be wise for every go-getter to remember Jimmy Durante's famous quotation: " You better be nice to 'em on your way up, 'cause you're gonna meet 'em all comin' down ! "
What would Satan Do ? Funny you should ask.
Friday, April 10, 2009
New Cartoon Book by Roy Delgado & Bob Rafferty

Book will be available from Carnival Cruise Lines, 3655 NW 87 Avenue, Miami, Florida 33178-2428
Phone 1-800-CARNIVAL or on the net at their website;
It won't be available til AFTER July, 2009.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
New Cartoon Editor at the Psychic Weekly
Cartoon of the month
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Milton Berle on Money
" I can't save up for a rainy day - - one good drizzle could wipe me out ! "
" My brother has a great way of saving his money. He uses mine ! "
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Lady Drivers and old B.S.
The lady said, " Fifty thousand miles - - but not from the front seat ! "
The women really got a bad rap in the old days. I guess you could get away with it for one reason, all the cartoon editors were men ! I guess there IS a little bit of truth to it maybe because men were usually the ones who drove the car for the family, they usually PURCHASED the car and DROVE the car. So the wife was usually the only other adult in the car, so it was OBVIOUS the maternal instinct would automatically kick in and she would watch for the family's safety, just in case the idiot driving didn't see what was about to happen.
The chinese guys ( now Asians, . . ALL the orientals in the movies were called " this chinese guy " ) in the movies were played by WASPS, the mexicans in the westerns were played by guys that COULD maybe look like a mexican, JOHN SAXON played a mexican in more than one movie. Marlon Brando in Viva Zapata ( After the make-up guys played with his nose and eyes ), Al Pacino in SCARFACE ( whose latino accent was BRILLIANT ). I saw an old western the other day where BARTON MacLANE played an indian.
Talking about stereotypes, about 30 plus years ago some idiot in Hollywood made a movie and the title was going to be: " NOBODY LIKES A DRUNKEN INDIAN "
Talk about stupidity, can you imagine a title being: " NOBODY LIKES A DRUNKEN IRISHMAN " or " NOBODY LIKES A DRUNKEN ENGLISHMAN ". Actually, " NOBODY LIKES A DRUNK " probably would have been a better title.
Anyway, needless to say, the film was released under a different title after a loud thumbs down in its pre-release hoopla.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Recent National Law Journal cartoon

National Law Journal cartoon
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Al Scaduto original

Jimmy Hatlo original - 1953