Tuesday, March 31, 2009
No matter how many of your dreams you have
realised in the past, always have a dream to go.
Because when you stop dreaming, lfe becomes
a mundane existence.
Sara Henderson, b. 1936
Australian Outback Station Manager and writer
Cartoon of the day

Sunday, March 29, 2009
We must be purposely kind and generous or we miss the best part of life's existence. The heart that goes out of itself gets large and full of joy. We do ourselves most good by doing something for others. "
HORACE MANN 1796-1859
American educator, writer and politician
Saturday, March 28, 2009
ZEITGIEST - The comic
Milton Berle on Kids
The father said, " Will that make him behave better ? " The woman said, " No, I don't think so - - but it'll spread his rotten behavior over a bigger area ! "
Cartoon of the day

Friday, March 27, 2009
FACTOID #2 ( Things you need to know )
Source: Carnival .com
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Cartoon of the day
New Yorker Cartoon Satire ( Should be, but probably won't )
I wonder if Mankoff reads this blog ? Wouldn't it be something if HE BOUGHT this cartoon and DID publish it?
Sometimes I find it extremely difficult to be humble . . .
I'm one of those guys who says: " I TOLD YOU SO ! "

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
AIG Executive Panhandler
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Masear Gag ReCap Cover
Masear called me on the phone and came to my defense in the cheap shot I received from a not too bright person who said " Roy Delgado will never sell The New Yorker because he's not smart enough. "
A little bit of good advice is from Jimmy Durante when he advised us . . . You better be nice to them on your way up because you're going to meet them all coming down. "

Saturday, March 21, 2009
Cartoon of the day

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
New Yorker Cartoon Satire
rejected by the NYer that a scenario like this IS possible - - in fact, None of us are positive that this could NOT happen ). I dreamed ( or is it dreampt ? ) it first, I woke up laughing, made a note, drew it up, sent it to THE GAG RECAP, He thought it was funny ( and used it for a cover ) and so did a lot of people - via published letters in the GAG RECAP and I received 2 phone calls from prominent nationally known cartoonists and gagwriters . Everyone liked it, but like they say in The Marine Corps, There is always that 10% , the malcontents, The Bitcher. , the guy who is out of step,the guy who has to chime in with something negative, the guy who doesn't get it, the one who can always find something wrong instead of looking for what is right . . The real problem with this type of person is looking at him when he looks in the mirror. All except one person liked it - - - Except the loon who said: " Roy Delgado will never sell the NYer, because he's not smart enough. " Giving the reason that I was ridiculing or offending someone. Man, lighten up. What business are we in? Someone should tell Funny Times or Doonesbury or Boondocks to knock it off ! The HELL with freedom of the press ! Don't criticize.
Look, I'm only the messenger. ( NEVER say NEVER )
Only fools are positive - - are you sure ?
Anybody see " First Blood " ? ( Never bring a knife to a gun fight. )

Monday, March 16, 2009
Jimmy Hatlo Letter Oct. 1953

Orlando Busino Envelope
Here is one of those masterpieces. ENJOY !
Orlando has been one of guys who influenced my work and his talent and hard work has earned him the prestigious National Cartoonists Society Award " Best Gag Cartoonist of the Year " for multiple years.
On top of this he is one of the nicest guys I've ever met.

Wisdom ( Write these one down )
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
" Know thyself. "
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Billy Hon Cartoon School Flyer
He knew I'd attended Billy's school and he thought it would bring back memories. It sure did. I just ran across it myself .
I attended Billy's in 1953-54 right out of high school. Having taken a Greyhound bus from Tucson, Arizona with $600.00 in my pocket, I was on my way to become a magazine cartoonist and nothing was going to stop me. Shortly in my first year, just turning 18, I sold my first freelance cartoon to a farm trade journal called The Prarie Farmer for four dollars. I said to myself: Dick Cavalli, VIP, Cobean, Dempsey, Henderson, Lamb, Key, Fine - - " Move over, because there's a new show in town !" ( Of course, It was an arrogant, dumb, naive, stupid statement to make ) As I said before, back then, I was young and dumb, - - - now, I'm no longer young.
The ad came out in a trade journal called THE AMERICAN CARTOONIST ( Put out by a couple cartoonists from California, I remember ). There was also a small ad for THE CARTOON GAGWRITER by Don Ulsh, 123-35 82nd Road, Kew Gardens, 15 -Gagwriter: You can flood the mails with funny stuff, but if it ain't slanted right it's wasted effort. For two dollars, Don's book will give you the proper angle.
Another ad said: Collector wants originals of Happy Hooligan, Krazy Kat,Foxy Grandpa, Buster Brown, etc. A. PASHOW, 1662 Cropsey Ave., Brooklyn , N.Y. ( I thought to myself, No Kidding ! )
And still another one inch ad said: CARTOONISTS - Get in on the ground floor of new markets as they open up by getting the dope while it's HOT. " CARTOONISTS' WEEKLY MARKET LETTER " supplies you with the latest market info as well as news and inter-studio chit-chat of just about everybody in the freelance gag-cartoon business. FREE sample copy. CARTOONISTS' WEEKLY MARKET LETTER, La Habra, Calif.
I'd subscribed for a couple years to The Cartoonists' Market Letter. It was produced by a trade journal cartoonist named Lew Card. He lived in an exurb of L.A., La Habra. His address I still remember: 513 College Circle.
One Saturday a fellow student from the school, Bob Van den Berghe and I called Lew and asked if we could drop by and say hello. He'd seemed to be a real friendly guy and had mentioned in his magazine that anyone was welcome to his house, so we took him up on it.
I remember we arrived late in the morning. It was a small town. This was before shopping malls and before a lot of things !
We found his house and he quickly invited us to stick around for a spaghetti dinner, which we did., and turned out to be extraordinarily tasty. We chatted around the kitchen table for a couple hours and couldn't help noticing at least 6-7 kids aged from about 3 to 15 running in and out of the house. Found out it was his second marriage and the two families made for a full house. Also he told us that he had a drinking problem so he moved way the hell out away from any place he could buy alcohol. It seemed to work for him.
On another Saturday we decided to call Mel Millar. Mel had worked for Disney for years and his name appears on the credits on many films.
I remember he lived out in Burbank. He had a beautiful white stucco Spanish style house with a mission tile roof. The driveway curved into a half-circle with a large Pepper tree smack dab in the middle. Mel by now was doing a helluva lot of trade journal cartoons and supplemented his income by lettering at least a half-dozen comic books. He had one he was working on and one of the 20x30 bristol boards was on his drafting table, he was about half way finished doing an entire Tweety Bird comic book. The panels were all pencilled in and the balloons with the lettering was roughed in. So Mel would ink in the lettering and balloons, then someone would pick them up, take them to the inker and complete the job.
Mel was an excellent lettering guy and was well-known for it. Helluva cartoonist and gentleman.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wisdom ( Write this one down )
but in liking what you do
that is the secret of happiness. "
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Cartoon of the day
To do otherwise you look like a karaoke singer in the finals at American Idol.
" The NERVE of some people's children. " - - one of my grandmother's favorite sayings.

Sunday, March 8, 2009
Wisdom ( Write this one down )
Funny Times cartoon
Reminds me of the last visit to the doctor . . it was the time for the regular prostate check-up ( with the rubber glove ). I said to the doctor, I can't believe anyone can look forward to taking this test . . he shot back: " What bothers me is the the guy who DOES ! " ( True Story )

Friday, March 6, 2009
Cartoon of the day
to when I spent four years in the Marines. So whenever I decide to draw a military cartoon I always use a marine setting - - as those four years are imbedded in my mind forever - - - While stationed on Okinawa, once they found out I was a signpainter in civilian life, I always had a list of signs to paint for the captain, or the colonel - - or the general !
In fact, it came in so handy - - I never had to spend one day doing mess duty - - every time a sergeant asked if I've had mess duty yet, I would say no, followed by a " Right now I can't, I'm working on a sign for the colonel and he has to have it by Friday ! " ( which was usually true )
This always worked for a couple weeks - - then again, I'd go through the whole routine - - then I'd go through the whole routine AGAIN - - - And again, and again, and again! Luckily, I never did one day of mess duty in four years.
In the military, this type of a person is known
as a " GOLDBRICK ". ( A negative term usually referring to a lazy person, or a person who gets out of a work detail with a phony excuse . . it is called "MALINGERING " - - which is a chargable offense under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and punishable by something like three months in the brig.
Of course, from the OFFENDER'S point of view, he thinks he's shrewed or slick or smart ( actually, it's more like " Young & Dumb " ). Was I guilty? YES. I was young and dumb once .
now I'm no longer young.
Nuf sed on this one.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Wisdom ( Write this one down )