Here are three new cartoons now appearing in the new January-February issue of this old magazine Benjamin Franklin started way back.
I was quite surprised to find three of mine all in one issue. If someone would have told me in '53-54 ( when I was 18 ) while attending Billy Hon's Cartoon School in Los Angeles that someday I'll have three cartoons in one issue of The Saturday Evening Post, I would have assumed he was under the influence of loco-weed or firewater ( or both ).
The New Yorker Magazine continues to behave like a frigid woman as she still does not warm up to me after 19,000 rejections . . and still counting. ( Actually, it's not my problem, I believe it is them that are losing out by not publishing my work ).
I guess I'm in good company, as Lee Lorenz once told me ( not selling to The New Yorker ), one of the nicest guys in the business.
It took 50 years, almost to the day, to sell Playboy. I'd sent the first batch to Playboy while in the Marines and stationed on Okinawa in 1957, and on and off on intermittenly I'd try and try again to hit the slick 'girlie' mag, with no avail. People would say, why are so you obsessed with trying to sell Playboy and The New Yorker ?
Bill Cosby's mother scolded him many times as a young man and would harshly admonish him by saying ' Why do you always have to try to be funny ?
Thomas Edison, when asked by a reporter why, after all of these years and thousands of failures in his attempt to invent the light bulb . . ' Why are you obsessed, why don't you just quit ? '
He replied confidently, ' Oh no, not now ! . . Now I know 10,000 things that DON'T work ! '
On January, 2001, the Brit George Leigh Mallory while on his way to climb Mt. Everest, was asked by a reporter : ' Why do you want to climb Mt. Everest ? ' . . His famous reply: ' Because it is there. '
Goals should be personal, worthwhile and challenging. It must be YOUR own goal . . if it's YOUR goal to be or to do, and it is challenging and meaningful, and worthwhile . . GO FOR IT !