Man, is this one timely or what !? Show me the money ! . . 700 billion ( for starters ). Will work for food . . caviar, martinis, pheasant under glass, roasted cornish hens, escargot, lobster, king crab legs . . etc.
It's available, at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and everywhere, if your bookstore doesn't have it on the shelf, they'll order it.
The ISBN# ( Softback ) is 978-1-4257-7797-5
The ISBN# ( Hardback ) is 978-1-4257-7802-6
The hardback is 20.00 U.S. currency
The book is 6x9, 107 pages, filled with my best cartoons from the top magazines ! A laugh a page !
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You can order from me, autographed if you want, no charge.
Mail check to: ( or call me at 304.749.7137 )
Roy Delgado
PO Box 1135
Petersburg WV 26847
These are the 3 mystery editors who are responsible for choosing the final few cartoons out of thousands that pour in every week over the transom that are picked unanimously and which end up appearing in this famous magazine week after week after week.
The leak is out . . this is the first picture that will finally quell the rumors . . who are these men ? Larry, Curly and Mo ? What about Shemp ?
The names will remain silent till we check this unnamed and unsubstantiated crap.
Magazine cartooning . . 'goings on ' . . inspirational . . Turkey Soup for the Soul