" You can't achieve anything without getting in someone's way.
You can't be detached and effective."
Monday, June 30, 2008
Cartoon of the Day

Saturday, June 28, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
" Most barriers to your success are man-made. And most often you are the man who made them. "
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Rejected by Al Gore
" Confidence is that feeling by which the mind embarks in great and honorable courses with a sure hope and trust in itself. "
Monday, June 23, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
" Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself. "
Sat Eve Post Cartoon

When I was 18 years old in 1953 and attending Billy Hon's Cartoon School in Los Angeles I believed that some day I would be appearing regularly in The Saturday Evening Post Magazine.
Be careful what you think about. It'll probably happen.
I believe Paul Meyer's statement . . .
" Whatever you vividly imagine,
ardently desire and enthusiastically
act upon, will inevitably come to pass. "
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Good news . .
" After 12 years of therapy my psychiatrist
said something that brought tears to my eyes,
' No hablo ingles '. "
Ronnie Shakes
said something that brought tears to my eyes,
' No hablo ingles '. "
Ronnie Shakes
Friday, June 20, 2008
National Law Journal Cartoon
Wisdom of the Day
" The road to happiness lies in two simple principles: Find what it is that interests you and that you can do well, and when you find it, put your whole soul into it . . . every bit of energy and ambition and natural ability you have. "
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Justice, Nike style
This cartoon can take you to my photobucket where you can view other gems. BTW, this is another New Yorker reject that I think could be published in Harold Ross's magazine and no
one would bat an eye . . no one would know that it didn't belong in the magazine until they were told. Some people would probably think it's clever . . some would think it's funny . .
Some people, probably one in NYer Cartoon Selection Board whose name rhymes with Minkoff would say it was corny.
one would bat an eye . . no one would know that it didn't belong in the magazine until they were told. Some people would probably think it's clever . . some would think it's funny . .
Some people, probably one in NYer Cartoon Selection Board whose name rhymes with Minkoff would say it was corny.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
New Yorker Enlightenment Cartoon

I wonder if Ted Rall or Garry Trudeau draw cartoons with the fear that they might offend someone or do they just draw an idea to make someone think. I would bet it's the latter,
wouldn't you ?
" Was the Buddha married ? His wife would say,
Are you just going to sit around like that all day ? "
- Gary Shandling
Are you just going to sit around like that all day ? "
- Gary Shandling
" I spend money with reckless abandon. Last month I blew $5000.00 on a Reincarnation Seminar . . I got to thinking, What the heck,
you only live once ! "
you only live once ! "
Mike Lynch's Blog Tool Poll
Hey Mike, I just ran across your poll about the different tools various cartoonists prefer in drawing their cartoons . . at first, I thought it was legit till I saw the toothpick dipped in ink
as choice . I thought it was hilarious at first, and thought you were trying to be funny,
then I thought of the cartoonist whose name sounds like the tree: Cyprus, but has a different spelling. Homonyms, Synonyms, Antonyms . . Bah . . I never did get it clear . . .
Anyway, I like to separate good drawing and good writing . In the case of Cyprus, the New Yorker Cartoonist . . I truly envy him, I think he's one of the best in the genre of the material the New Yorker likes. I personally think he would be even better and bigger and more popular if his drawing was better. The proof is simple . . why do you think Universal Press ( It was their idea ) hired someone else to draw Doonesbury ? . . and Boondocks . . and The Far Side book Covers ? NUF SED.
The same could be said about Mankoff's style and Roz Chast's style and a half-dozen or more New Yorker cartoonists. They're ALL GREAT . . but they could be GREATER ! The same thing could be said about Li'l Abner . . . . Frank Frazetta drew Li'l Abner and Daisey Mae like the way Al Capp WISHED he could draw them.
as choice . I thought it was hilarious at first, and thought you were trying to be funny,
then I thought of the cartoonist whose name sounds like the tree: Cyprus, but has a different spelling. Homonyms, Synonyms, Antonyms . . Bah . . I never did get it clear . . .
Anyway, I like to separate good drawing and good writing . In the case of Cyprus, the New Yorker Cartoonist . . I truly envy him, I think he's one of the best in the genre of the material the New Yorker likes. I personally think he would be even better and bigger and more popular if his drawing was better. The proof is simple . . why do you think Universal Press ( It was their idea ) hired someone else to draw Doonesbury ? . . and Boondocks . . and The Far Side book Covers ? NUF SED.
The same could be said about Mankoff's style and Roz Chast's style and a half-dozen or more New Yorker cartoonists. They're ALL GREAT . . but they could be GREATER ! The same thing could be said about Li'l Abner . . . . Frank Frazetta drew Li'l Abner and Daisey Mae like the way Al Capp WISHED he could draw them.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Had your Rice Crispies ?
" Personally, I'm against practical jokes . .
too often they get elected to office. "
too often they get elected to office. "
Saturday, June 14, 2008
George Carlin Brilliance
" I can never eat sushi . . I have
trouble eating things that are
merely unconscious. "
trouble eating things that are
merely unconscious. "
Cartoon of the Month
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Stitches - The Journal of Medical Humor Mar/Apr issue 2006
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
God sneezes
" I fear that someday I'll meet God and he'll
sneeze and I won't know what to say. "
sneeze and I won't know what to say. "
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
" Every production of genius must
be the production of enthusiasm. "
English Prime Minister and Writer
be the production of enthusiasm. "
English Prime Minister and Writer
" Resolve to be thyself; and know that he who finds
himself, loses his misery, "
MATTHEW ARNOLD 1822-1888 British Writer
himself, loses his misery, "
MATTHEW ARNOLD 1822-1888 British Writer
Wisdom ( Worth writing down )
" Those who dream by day are
cognizant of many things which
escape those who dream
only by night. "
EDGAR ALLAN POE 1809 - 1849
cognizant of many things which
escape those who dream
only by night. "
EDGAR ALLAN POE 1809 - 1849
Jerry Marcus - 1979 sketch

The drawing he did above was one, he told me later that lurked in his head and propped up from time to time because he always felt it should've been bought by The New Yorker.
I have to agree.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Orlando Busino - 1979 drawing

Something you didn't know
" Columbus is the guy who, except for
the Indians, the Vikings, the Egyptians,
the Chinese and possibly the space aliens
discovered America. "
the Indians, the Vikings, the Egyptians,
the Chinese and possibly the space aliens
discovered America. "
Sgt. Snorkel - Mort Walker

I remember the title of the seminar was " How to be funny for money ".
Gahan Wilson emphasized some good points when selling your work and meeting in big important executive's offices . . the most common mistake was not dressing properly.
To get respect and having a positive influence from the get-go of your meeting.
Times have changed a little and people dress more casual now, but I personally agree with Gahan even today. ( Of course there are exceptions . . if you're a genius cartoonist or brilliant writer or computer genius-geek or have a 300 IQ it doesn't matter, . . you can wear cheap rubber flip-flop shower shoes and a raggity T-Shirt and nobody cares . . part of the Whatever Mentality. ). None of these include me, so I go with Gahan's advice.
After the seminar, Bob Weber, Joe Farris, Frank Baginski, Mort Walker and I went down the street and had a couple beers at some watering hole. By then it was about 10:00 PM at least . .
Mort Walker then graciously invited us all over to his house for a snack and a nightcap.
Of course we all said Great ! Mort showed us a lot neat stuff and while there I asked Mort if he'd draw me The Sarge in Beetle Bailey, he grabbed a pen and in a few seconds I had Sgt. Snorkel immortalized in my trusty sketch pad!
This sketch is shown above. Thank You, Mort.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
" The greater part of our happiness or misery
depends on our disposition and not on our
circumstances. We carry the seeds of the one
or the other about with us in our minds
wherever we go.
First Lady of The United States of America
depends on our disposition and not on our
circumstances. We carry the seeds of the one
or the other about with us in our minds
wherever we go.
First Lady of The United States of America
Fred Lasswell & Snuffy Smith in Wash. D.C.
This sketch was made on my trusty sketch pad by Fred Lasswell at the NCS Reception held at The Washington Press Club in Washington D.C. on April 18,1986. The Semper Fi in the balloon means Always Faithful
( Actually it was shortened from SEMPER FIDELIS )
in Latin and is part of the U.S. Marine Logo. Fred was an ex-Marine as myself,
and after a couple drinks and a couple
war stories Fred drew the famous loveable hillbilly.
We were both a little bit looped and we traded business cards. Funny thing, about a week later I get a long-distance call from Fred in Florida and he asked me how I knew him, since he just came across my business card in his pocket ! I told him it was at the NCS bash!
That explains it, he said ! We chatted a little and said goodbye. He passed away a few years ago. He was gregarious and funny sober OR 6 sheets to the wind ( or is it seven sheets ? ).

( Actually it was shortened from SEMPER FIDELIS )
in Latin and is part of the U.S. Marine Logo. Fred was an ex-Marine as myself,
and after a couple drinks and a couple
war stories Fred drew the famous loveable hillbilly.
We were both a little bit looped and we traded business cards. Funny thing, about a week later I get a long-distance call from Fred in Florida and he asked me how I knew him, since he just came across my business card in his pocket ! I told him it was at the NCS bash!
That explains it, he said ! We chatted a little and said goodbye. He passed away a few years ago. He was gregarious and funny sober OR 6 sheets to the wind ( or is it seven sheets ? ).

Eli Stein - Cartoonist
Eli Stein drew this on my trusty sketch pad at the
World Trade Center, World Financial Center
in New York for the Wall Street Journal Traveling
Exhibit and Book Signing November 1, 1999.
I remember Eli Stein's stuff back from the 60's and
always admired his clean simple style,
and was influenced by his work. He's got a great web site:
elistein.com with hundreds if not thousands of his
great cartoons spanning 50 years on the site.
I'd gone up to the exhibit with another great cartoonist,
Marty Lowenstein from Westport.
World Trade Center, World Financial Center
in New York for the Wall Street Journal Traveling
Exhibit and Book Signing November 1, 1999.
I remember Eli Stein's stuff back from the 60's and
always admired his clean simple style,
and was influenced by his work. He's got a great web site:
elistein.com with hundreds if not thousands of his
great cartoons spanning 50 years on the site.
I'd gone up to the exhibit with another great cartoonist,
Marty Lowenstein from Westport.

New Yorker Cartoonist Patricia Roberts

A party with nothing but famous cartoonists in attendance was memorable and I got to meet
a lot of greats . . to name just a few: I met Mike Lynch for the first time, I remember Al Scaduto, who just recently passed away, Erv Kaczmarek, a great writer and painter was there, Mort Gerberg dropped by, and many, many other greats!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Ernie and Bud Grace

in 1990. I spent the night there and took a train back to Washington, D.C. the next day.
I believe Bud Grace is a former atomic scientist turned cartoonist. A funny guy, especially after a couple of shots of Jack Daniels . . keeps everybody within earshot laughing wherever he goes.
Helluva nice gentleman. .and prolific writer and cartoonist.
The Lone Ranger by Tom Gill

Tom passed away in 2005. A truly great talent, and all-around nice guy ! Mike Lynch Blog has some good info on Tom Gill.
" There is no wealth but life.
" Life may be hard,
but it's also wonderful. "
" Life may be hard,
but it's also wonderful. "
Like Golf ?
" I'm into golf now . .
I'm getting pretty good.
I can almost hit the ball as far
as I can throw the clubs. "
I'm getting pretty good.
I can almost hit the ball as far
as I can throw the clubs. "
Old & New Roy Delgado Logo
This is a variation of the new logo . . also below is the old flat version and a brass variation of the new one is also shown with a little history of how it began.

This is the OLD FLAT RD Logo and below this one is is the New 3-D Version.
I had just designed it in the 80's and was beginning to use it. This design trend was largely based and influenced on the popularity of the work of M.C.ESCHER. Many of the logos you see today were influenced by ESCHER.

I had just designed it in the 80's and was beginning to use it. This design trend was largely based and influenced on the popularity of the work of M.C.ESCHER. Many of the logos you see today were influenced by ESCHER.

was suggested to me from way back in the 80's . . when award-winning graphic & industrial designer Lance Wyman of New York told me he liked my flat version of my logo . . but then said: "Why don't you try tweaking it and making it so you see the thickness of the symbol ? "
It layed dormant all these years, and then, this morning it jelled . . Thank you, Lance.
I was driving Lance to the train station in Washington, D.C. having just come to see the progress on the two 12 ft. street clocks ( which he designed ) and other signage in the works.
My company had received the contract for all the signage of the 3-office bldg. complex and we were in the middle of fabricating the neon and brass signage for the Lafayette Centre complex in mid-town.
The two street clocks and all the beautiful custom architectural signage are still there on 20th and 21st streets, between L and M streets, N.W.
Lance's Design Firm was awarded the contract for designing all of the graphics for the Mexico Olympics ( including the logo for the olympics ) back in the 60's, and spent several months in Mexico after the olympics. It was a joy to work with him on the project.
Another one of Lance's projects here in the nation's capital was the Smithsonion Zoo, where he designed a new beautiful logo and giant entrance sign constructed of aggregate cement and other materials.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Wisdom of the Day
" I have accepted fear as part of life . .
specifically the fear of change . .
I have gone ahead despite the pounding
in the heart that says: turn back . . . "
specifically the fear of change . .
I have gone ahead despite the pounding
in the heart that says: turn back . . . "
Cartoon Book by Roy Delgado - Order Now

Softback is only about sawbuck . . Hardback, about 2 sawbucks. ( For those under 30, or for those who have never been to a race track, a sawbuck is ten bucks. It's 6x9, 108 pages with an interesting 700 word Foreward and the rest cartoons from the pages of Barron's, Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review , Good Housekeeping, Penthouse, etc. Everywhere except The New Yorker.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
" Personally I'm against
practical jokes. Too often
they get elected to office. "
practical jokes. Too often
they get elected to office. "
United Airways Magazine - Roy Delgado Cartoon
Monday, June 2, 2008
Wisdom ( Worth writing down )
" Resolve to be thyself . . and know
that he who finds himself,
loses his misery. "
MATTHEW ARNOLD 1822 - 1888 British Writer
that he who finds himself,
loses his misery. "
MATTHEW ARNOLD 1822 - 1888 British Writer
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Good advice
" My mother was 88 years old. She never used glasses.
Drank right out of the bottle. "
Drank right out of the bottle. "
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